Not Rated

BPM (Beats per Minute)

0.0 / 10

120 battements par minute 2017

120 battements par minute - BPM Beats Per Minute 2017 Film Written and directed by Robin Campillo, the drama 120 battements par minute won four separate awards and proved its success. Since the AIDS disease began in the 1990s, it has not only taken the lives of many people, but also destroyed the relatives of people who contracted AIDS. The organization called Act Up Paris was founded as a reaction to the indifference and indifference of people to this disease.

Nahuel Pérez Biscayart
Nahuel Pérez Biscayart
Arnaud Valois
Arnaud Valois
Adèle Haenel
Adèle Haenel
Antoine Reinartz
Antoine Reinartz
Félix Maritaud
Félix Maritaud
Aloïse Sauvage
Aloïse Sauvage
Simon Guélat
Simon Guélat
Coralie Russier
Coralie Russier
Catherine Vinatier
Catherine Vinatier
Saadia Bentaïeb
Saadia Bentaïeb
Jean-François Auguste
Jean-François Auguste
Samuel Churin
Samuel Churin
Pascal Tantot
Pascal Tantot
Yves Heck
Yves Heck
Emmanuel Ménard
Emmanuel Ménard
François Rabette
François Rabette
Caroline Piette
Caroline Piette
Sabrina Aliane
Sabrina Aliane
Marco Horanieh
Marco Horanieh
Jérôme Clément-Wilz
Jérôme Clément-Wilz