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Flatliners 1990

Some doctoral students were inspired by patients who died in their hospital beds but were brought back to life. The students killed themselves together, helping them come back to life with the help of their friends in a series of experiments. The students died for one minute to four minutes and then passed on their dying impressions and experiences to the world. These experiments started a time race between the participants, and those who were faced with what they knew would never change would be brought back to life thanks to the return of the heroes.

Kiefer Sutherland
Kiefer Sutherland
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts
Kevin Bacon
Kevin Bacon
William Baldwin
William Baldwin
Oliver Platt
Oliver Platt
Kimberly Scott
Kimberly Scott
Joshua Rudoy
Joshua Rudoy
Benjamin Mouton
Benjamin Mouton
Aeryk Egan
Aeryk Egan
Kesha Reed
Kesha Reed
Hope Davis
Hope Davis
Jim Ortlieb
Jim Ortlieb
Sanna Vraa
Sanna Vraa
Beth Grant
Beth Grant
Marilyn Dodds Frank
Marilyn Dodds Frank
Patricia Belcher
Patricia Belcher
Julie Warner
Julie Warner
Angela Paton
Angela Paton
Baadja-Lyne Odums
Baadja-Lyne Odums
John Fink
John Fink
Anne James
Anne James
K.K. Dodds
K.K. Dodds
Natsuko Ohama
Natsuko Ohama
Marie-Alise Recasner
Marie-Alise Recasner
Shauna O'Brien
Shauna O'Brien
Ted Otis
Ted Otis