
Windstorm 2

10.0 / 10

Ostwind 2 2015

It's summer vacation time for Mika and she will finally get her horse Ostwind again. However, when he goes to the farm, he sees that there are wounds on the waist of the horse. Meanwhile, Kaltenbach is on the verge of bankruptcy and Mika enters a tournament with prize money at the end to help out. Ostwind runs away to the forest, getting angry all the time during training. Eventually the horse realizes that he is in love with a female horse.

Hanna Binke
Hanna Binke
Jannis Niewöhner
Jannis Niewöhner
Amber Bongard
Amber Bongard
Marvin Linke
Marvin Linke
Kenzie Dysli
Kenzie Dysli
Nina Kronjäger
Nina Kronjäger
Tilo Prückner
Tilo Prückner
Jürgen Vogel
Jürgen Vogel
Henriette Morawe
Henriette Morawe
Max Tidof
Max Tidof
Walter Sittler
Walter Sittler
Stephan Schwartz
Stephan Schwartz
Peter Sikorski
Peter Sikorski
Gerhard Jilka
Gerhard Jilka
Andreas Pape
Andreas Pape
Aljoscha Stadelmann
Aljoscha Stadelmann