
Fallen Leaves

8.0 / 10

In the enchanting Helsinki night, fate intertwines the lives of two solitary souls, crossing their paths in a serendipitous encounter. Bound by a shared longing, they embark on a quest to discover a love that is unparalleled, eternal, and all-encompassing. Yet, their journey towards this sublime destination is shrouded in the shadows of the man's tumultuous battle with alcoholism, the evasive nature of lost phone numbers, their mysterious anonymity, and life's unwavering inclination to scatter obstacles on the path to true happiness. As they navigate through the labyrinth of uncertainty, their hearts remain steadfast, fueled by an unwavering belief that destiny will guide them towards the profound connection they yearn for. In this tale of fortitude and resilience, they learn that the pursuit of love is not without its tribulations, but with unwavering determination, they strive to conquer any obstacle that threatens to dim the flame of their devotion.

Alma Pöysti
Alma Pöysti
Jussi Vatanen
Jussi Vatanen
Janne Hyytiäinen
Janne Hyytiäinen
Nuppu Koivu
Nuppu Koivu
Alina Tomnikov
Alina Tomnikov
Martti Suosalo
Martti Suosalo
Matti Onnismaa
Matti Onnismaa
Sakari Kuosmanen
Sakari Kuosmanen
Simon Al-Bazoon
Simon Al-Bazoon
Maria Heiskanen
Maria Heiskanen
Sherwan Haji
Sherwan Haji
Eero Ritala
Eero Ritala
Lauri Untamo
Lauri Untamo
Juho Kuosmanen
Juho Kuosmanen