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Robot Dreams

8.1 / 10

In the bustling streets of Manhattan, a weary dog yearns for companionship, longing to break free from the solitude that haunts him. Determined to change his fate, he embarks on an extraordinary quest to create his very own mechanical companion. As their bond flourishes, their union defies the boundaries of ordinary friendship, thriving amidst the vibrant pulse of 1980s New York City.

Their days are filled with adventure and laughter, exploring the city's neon-lit streets and reveling in the enchanting melodies of the era. With every passing moment, Dog and Robot grow inseparable, their connection transcending the realms of possibility.

Yet, fate has a bittersweet twist in store for our beloved duo. On a warm summer night, overwhelmed by a heavy heart, Dog finds himself faced with a heart-wrenching decision - he must abandon Robot at the picturesque beach, leaving their future uncertain. A torrent of emotions engulfs Dog as he wonders if they will ever cross paths again.

Amidst the crashing waves and twinkling stars, the abandoned Robot yearns for the warmth of Dog's presence, gazing longingly at the Manhattan skyline on the horizon. Days turn into nights, and nights into days, as Robot clings onto hope, believing that their extraordinary friendship will one day be rekindled.

Will the tides of destiny bring them together once more, merging their worlds in a symphony of love and reunion? Only time will reveal the fate of Dog and Robot, as their intertwined destinies navigate the ebbs and flows of life, forever etching their tale into the heart of 80s NYC.

Ivan Labanda
Ivan Labanda
Graciela Molina
Graciela Molina
José García Tos
José García Tos