
Penny Dreadful

7.5 / 10

In the shadowy depths of Victorian London, an eerie tapestry unfolds, intertwining the chilling tales of literature's most haunting figures. Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and the legendary beings from the timeless masterpiece, Dracula, slink surreptitiously through the city's dimly lit alleyways. Prepare yourself for the bone-chilling experience that is Penny Dreadful, an adult drama that fearlessly reimagines these renowned horror icons, delving deep into the recesses of their twisted psyches. Brace yourself, for this sinister tapestry of psychological terror will leave you trembling in its wake.

Eva Green
Eva Green
Josh Hartnett
Josh Hartnett
Timothy Dalton
Timothy Dalton
Harry Treadaway
Harry Treadaway
Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney
Rory Kinnear
Rory Kinnear
Billie Piper
Billie Piper
Patti LuPone
Patti LuPone
Wes Studi
Wes Studi