
The Stolen Cup

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Lucho, having poured his entire life savings into embarking on a thrilling journey alongside his beloved son to witness the captivating World Cup, is left utterly flabbergasted as the Argentine team faces an unexpected disqualification from the exhilarating games. Dismayed by this unforeseen turn of events, Lucho finds solace in an eccentric band of misfits who, despite their own shortcomings, join forces determined to craft an audacious scheme - none other than pilfering the prestigious World Cup trophy itself. As their daring plot takes shape, unforeseen twists and turns lie ahead, propelling this motley crew towards a thrilling adventure that will test their mettle in unimaginable ways. Embarking on this extraordinary quest, Lucho and his newfound companions are poised to etch their names in the annals of audacity and maybe, just maybe, snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Joaquín Furriel
Joaquín Furriel
Benjamín Amadeo
Benjamín Amadeo
Carla Quevedo
Carla Quevedo
Hugo Piccinini
Hugo Piccinini
Diego De Paula
Diego De Paula
Hugo Quiril
Hugo Quiril
David Szechtman
David Szechtman